SIGMETRICS - Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation
The ACM Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation fosters research in performance analysis techniques as well as the advanced and innovative use of known methods and tools, seeking a balance between theoretical, methodological, and practical issues. Members' interests include advancing the state-of-the-art, as well as applying new performance evaluation tools and techniques in practice.
SIGMETRICS benefits for FY 2023:
- Subscription to "Performance Evaluation Review", a quarterly publication
- Reduced registration at conferences and workshops sponsored by SIGMETRICS
- Reduced registration to conferences and workshops in cooperation with SIGMETRICS
- Access to SIGMETRICS Conference Proceedings in ACM Digital Library
- SIGMETRICS-MEMBERS mailing list for
- Upcoming conferences, workshops, symposia and events
- Announcement of jobs (industry, academics and post-doc) to members
- Announcement of software tools or books that are related to the SIGMETRICS community
- Annoucment of new initiatives offer to SIGMETRICS members
- Social Network links via LinkedIn
- Provide better communication and discussion among SIGMETRICS members
Community Benefits provided by SIGMETRICS:
- Cooperate with other communities in related conferences
- Advocate Best Paper in conference
- Established SIGMETRICS Achievement Award
- Established SIGMETRICS Rising Star Award
- Established Test of Time Award
- Represent and advocate performance evaluation of computer/communication to the ACM and beyond
- Established ACM Transaction on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, this will provide more venues for researchers in the community to publish scholarly work
- Established a PACM for proceedings of SigMETRICS conference. Moved the annual conference into a rolling jourference format
- Partipate in committees and initiatives run with the SIG