SIG Governing Board Motions - FY'01

Motion: move to approve the minutes of the February'00 SGB Meeting.

Partridge, Feldman
Unanimous (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB support in principle the Rights & responsibilities in ACM Publishing understanding that details included remain open to discussion.

Niederman, Ebcioglu
Unanimous (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB recommend that the Membership Activities Board consider a three-year discounted membership choice.

Haramundanis, Brown
Unanimous (10/14/00)

Motion: The SGB recommends that the Membership Activities Board consider a lifetime discounted membership choice.

Corless, Brown
Unanimous (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB ensure that no SIG fail before July 2003 solely due to financial problems caused by the new allocation system.

Partridge, Ebcioglu
Motion passes (10/14/00)

Motion: Move to accept the allocation task force recommendation modified with a $12,000 minimum.

Vernon (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB reject the proposed new allocation formula, and a new task force be formed to devise an improved formula based on revenue, not on expenses.

Siegel, Sipior
Motion failed (10/14/00)

Motion: Move to amend the motion so that the end result is to return to the recommendation of the task force.

Brown, Cohoon
Motion passes(10/14/00)

Motion: Move to accept the allocation task force recommendations.

Cohoon, Ebcioglu
Motion passes - weighted vote (10/14/00)

Motion: Move to accept the SGB EC motion on the viability of SIGMIS as a multi-service SIG with a viability review in 2 years.

Berenbaum, Ellis
Motion passed (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB allow a 90-day continuance for revitalization of SIGCUE.

Notkin, Furuta
Unanimous (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that the SGB contribute $50K from the 50% of DL revenue that the SGB reserves for jointly sponsored "good works" to ACM1.

Cohoon, Ellis
Motion failed - weighted vote (10/14/00)

Motion: Move to direct the SGB EC to act on interim subsidy requests with respect to the new allocation scheme.

Cohoon, Cytron
Motion passes (10/14/00)

Motion: Move that a SIG 2 or more issues behind in its publication schedule be automatically placed in transition. This policy would be placed in effect June 11, 2001

Cohoon, Cytron
(22,2,3) (3/11/01)

Motion: The SGB requests that the EC choose a conference manuscript tracking tool, arrange access, support and enhancement, and develop a business plan, within the next three month.

Snodgrass, Hayne
(23,0,2) (3/11/01)

Motion: The SGB requests that the SGB EC review the rights and responsibilities policy and bring to the fall 2001 SGB meeting a list of those rights that are not currently being guaranteed along with proposals for how to ensure those rights.

Snodgrass, Wiehl
(25,0,0) (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to amend Bylaw 6, Section 6 as follows:

Fee for ACM+SIG member <= fee for ACM only member <= non member,
and fee for ACM+SIG member <= fee for SIG only member <= non member,
with no explicit ordering between SIG only and ACM only members.

Motion: Move to propose that SIGCPR's allocation be frozen at $3,000 for the next 3 years.

Niederman, Cohoon
Motion tabled until next SGB meeting (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGCAPH in its current status as a full-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Berenbaum, Cytron
unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGMM's current status as a conference SGI for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Ebcioglu
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGOPS in its current status as a full-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Berenbaum
unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGSAC in its current status as a conference SIG for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Wiehl
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGSAM's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Feldman
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGSOFT's current status as a multi-service SIG for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Berenbaum
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to continue SIGSOUND's current status as an electronic-only SIG for the next 4 years.

Cohoon, Harramundanis
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to accept the SGB EC's recommendation to place SIGUCCS in transition and request a revitalization plan for May 1st.

Cohoon, Cytron
Unanimous (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to cap SGB weighted votes at 5.

Cohoon Glinert (3/11/01)

Motion: Move to table motion regarding SGB weighted votes being capped at 5.

Cytron, Hayne
(16,5,3) (3/11/01)


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