Chapter Publications
Reviewed April 2018
ACM's SIG professional and student chapters continue to grow at a healthy pace annually. Most SIGs and chapters produce their own publications for their members: be they newsletters, conference proceedings, and forums/notices, among others.
While the ACM Publications Board is responsible for the overall ACM Publications Program, the Board has delegated oversight responsibility to the ACM SIGs for publication of SIG-sponsored proceedings and SIG newsletters. The SIGs make their own policies within the overarching framework set by the Publications Board.
Chapters may publish newsletters for their constituents, the titles of which should not include terms that are used to identify other publication genres (e.g., Transactions, Journal). Titles (or subtitles) of a chapter newsletter are typically of the form "Newsletter of the {ACM Chapter Name}." In addition to the "Newsletter" moniker, terms like "Bulletin," "Forum," "News," "Notes," "Notices," "Pointers," and "Exchanges" can be employed. Frequency of these newsletters are the discretion of the chapter leaders.
Chapters are required to include the standardized ACM Chapter logo on all newsletter covers and on Chapter homepages.
Any questions about starting up a chapter publication should be directed to: Cynthia Ryan, Associate Director of Membership, [email protected].
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