Transition Plan

These Bylaws were approved by the ACM SIGGRAPH membership and took effect September 1, 2018. At this time the current President and Vice-President have two more years of their terms, until August 31, 2020. In addition, the Treasurer was just elected so he has three years remaining in his term, until August 31, 2021. According to ACM rules, these Officers must serve out their full terms so these bylaws will not fully go into effect until September 1, 2021. By September 1, 2019 the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee will elect a Chairelect who will then become Chair on September 1, 2020. The ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee will elect a Treasurer-elect by September, 2020, who will then become Treasurer on September 1, 2021.

Article 1. Name, Scope, Mission, and Purpose

1.1 Name. This organization shall be called ACM SIGGRAPH.

1.2 Scope. ACM SIGGRAPH shall function as the special interest group on computer graphics and interactive techniques of the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. ("the ACM").

1.3 Mission. ACM SIGGRAPH's mission is to promote the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques.

1.4 Purpose. ACM SIGGRAPH's purpose is to foster a membership community whose core values help them to catalyze the innovation and application of computer graphics and interactive techniques.

Article 2. Defined Terms

2.1 The "EC" means the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

2.2 A “director” is an elected or appointed voting member of the EC.

2.3 A “quorum” at meetings will consist of at least fifty percent of the directors. Absent a quorum, the directors may not vote on any matters at a meeting.

2.4 A “majority vote” occurs when a quorum is present, and at least fifty percent of the quorum (those voting, or directors present) votes in favor of a matter.

2.5 A “supermajority vote” requires an affirmative vote from 75% of all directors.

2.6 A "position" means one of the elected or appointed members of the EC.

2.7 An “officer” means one of the following: Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect

Article 3. Charter

3.1 ACM SIGGRAPH will exist until dissolved as provided in Bylaw 6 of the ACM.

Article 4. ACM SIGGRAPH Officers and Executive Committee

4.1 EC. The EC comprises directors, both elected and appointed, and ex officio members. The duty of the EC is to guide and oversee all of the activities of all of the activities of ACM SIGGRAPH

4.2 Officers.  The officers of ACM SIGGRAPH anre the Chair, the Chair-elect, the Treasurer, and the Treasurer-elect. 

4.3 Number of directors.  When these bylaws were approved (2018), there are nine Director positions.  The number of elected directors can be changed by the EC with a supermajority vote and shall be no fewer than seven and no more than thirteen.  

4.4 Ex officio Members.  The EC may designate ex officio members.

4.5 Election of directors.  Directors are elected to three-year terms beginning September 1 of the year of their election.  Directors in the third year of their term are ineligible for the position of the Chair-elect or Treasurer-elect. 

4.6 Terms.  No person may serve in the same position for more than two consecutive full terms without a break in service of at least one term (three years).

4.7 Directors must be members. All directors and candidates for director must be voting members of the ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH. 4.8 Only one position. No person may hold more than one position simultaneously. 4.9 Appointed directors. The EC may appoint up to three voting directors. As with the elected directors, these individuals will serve three year terms and may be reappointed at most once.

4.8 Only one postion.  No person may hold more than one position simultaneously.  

4.9 Appointed Directors.  The EC may appoint up to three voting directors.  As with the elected directors, these individuals will serve three year terms and may be reappointed at most once.  

Article 5. Duties of the Officers

The EC shall select, from among its directors, a Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect who will fulfill the duties outlined below.

5.1 Chair. The duties of the Chair are:

  • leading and managing ACM SIGGRAPH;
  • calling and presiding at EC meetings; and
  • conducting ACM SIGGRAPH's activities in accordance with the policies of the ACM;

5.2 Chair-elect. The duties of the Chair-elect are:

  • Assisting the Chair in leading and managing ACM SIGGRAPH; and
  • presiding at meetings when the Chair is absent.

5.3 Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer are:

  • managing ACM SIGGRAPH's finances according to the Financial Accountability Policy of the ACM.
  • reporting ACM SIGGRAPH's finances to members at least once a year in ACM SIGGRAPH's regular publications.

5.4 Treasurer-elect. The duties of the Treasurer-elect are:

  • to shadow and assist the Treasurer in managing ACM SIGGRAPH's finances.

Article 6. Vacancies and Incapacitation

6.1 Chair. Should the Chair leave office before their term expires, the Chair-elect will become the Chair. Should the Chair become incapacitated or be unable to fulfill their duties, the Chair-elect will temporarily assume the duties of the Chair. The EC will then elect a new Chair-elect from among the directors.

6.2 Treasurer. Should the Treasurer leave office before their term expires, the Treasurer-elect will become the Treasurer. Should the Treasurer become incapacitated or be unable to fulfill their duties, the Treasurer-elect will temporarily assume the duties of the Treasurer. The EC will then elect a new Treasurer-elect from among the directors.

6.3 Other positions. Should any position other than Chair or Treasurer become vacant, the EC shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the position's current term.

6.4 Resignation. A director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or, if the Chair is resigning, to the Chair-elect. The resignation shall be effective as of the time the resigning director specifies unless otherwise agreed.

6.5 Removal. A director may be removed for just cause by a supermajority vote of the EC with the approval of the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee.

Article 7. Membership

7.1 Full members. A person becomes a full member of ACM SIGGRAPH only after enrolling and paying the required dues. The dues for ACM SIGGRAPH are determined by the EC with the approval of the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee.

7.2 Associate members. An associate member is a person who meets the requirements for associate membership as specified in the ACM SIGGRAPH Policies.

7.3 Voting members. All full members of ACM SIGGRAPH may vote in any ballot conducted by ACM SIGGRAPH.

7.4 Member benefits. The benefits of the full and associate members are set by the EC with the approval of the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee

Article 8. Reports and Records

8.1 Reports. ACM SIGGRAPH's Chair is responsible for filing reports about ACM SIGGRAPH as required by the SIG Governing Board.

8.3 ACM SIGGRAPH will maintain appropriate records, as required by the ACM bylaws.

Article 9. Elections

9.1 Slate. The EC must select a slate of candidates and announce the slate to all ACM SIGGRAPH voting members at least two months before the election. Two or more candidates will be assigned to each open Position.

9.2 Petition candidates. A petition from 1% of the voting members of ACM SIGGRAPH will place a consenting and eligible candidate on the ballot for a specific position. All candidates must be ACM Professional members as well as members of ACM SIGGRAPH. The petition process will be in accordance with the ACM SIG petition process.

9.3 Election. The election will be conducted among eligible voters by ACM Headquarters by August 15, following the election procedures of the ACM, unless different procedures have been approved by the SIG Governing Board. The new directors will take office on September 1. Of all the ballots returned in an election, the candidates receiving the largest number of effective votes for each position win.The SIG Governing Board will resolve ties.

Article 10. Amendments

10.1 These bylaws may be amended by a vote of ACM SIGGRAPH's members as described in Articles 10.2 and 10.3 or by current policies outlined in the ACM Bylaws.

10.2 Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the EC, the SIG Governing Board, or a petition from 1% of the voting members of ACM SIGGRAPH. All proposed amendments must be approved prior to being submitted for a vote of the membership, by the Chair of the SIG Governing Board after the Executive Director of ACM has provided their advice.

10.3 The ballot on the proposed amendment(s) will be conducted among the eligible voters by ACM Headquarters following the procedures of the ACM for voting bylaw amendments, unless a different procedure has been approved by the SIG Governing Board. The proposal is adopted only if a majority of the returned ballots are affirmative, and only if at least 10% of the ballots are returned. The Chair will send a clean copy of the amended bylaws to the Executive Director of ACM and to the Chair of the SIG Governing Board.

Article 11. Dissolution

11.1 Should ACM SIGGRAPH be dissolved, the distribution of its assets will be supervised by the SGB EC.

Article 12. EC Meetings

12.1 In-Person Meetings. All in-person meetings are open to all members of the ACM or ACM SIGGRAPH.

12.2 Alternatives to In-Person Meetings. A meeting may also take place through any other mode of communication (such as phone and internet) agreed to by the EC.

12.3 Meeting notices. For each meeting, notice of the date, place, and time of the meeting must be sent to the directors at least two days before the meeting.

12.4 Voting. Votes may be taken by any means of communication agreed to by the EC. All votes must be recorded and confirmed in the meeting minutes.

Article 13. Consistency

13.1 The Constitution, bylaws, and policies of the ACM and of the SIG Governing Board take precedence over any conflicting provisions of these bylaws.