View ACM’s 75th Anniversary Panels and Talks On Demand
July 21, 2022
ACM’s 75th Anniversary Celebration was held June 10 in San Francisco. This memorable occasion was not only a remembrance of ACM’s past, but of its current and future endeavors with a full day of panels and speakers discussing some of the most significant topics in computer science and research, which you can now view on demand below.
View our 75the Anniversary Celebration video playlist here.
Gabriele Kotsis, ACM President
Jennifer Chayes, Program Chair

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Opening Plenary: “From AI to Eternity”
Dame Wendy Hall

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Panel: Balancing Trust and Risk
As computing becomes increasingly integral to society—for public services platforms, financial systems and decisions, resource allocations policy decisions and more—how do we foster trust and manage risk?
Panelists: Stefan Savage (Moderator), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, danah boyd, Bryan Ford, and James Mickens

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Panel: Incentives and Markets
Panelists consider the intentional and unintentional incentives implicit in computing platforms and AI. What can computer scientists do to address these technically, and what must be addressed normatively or with regulation?
Panelists: Kevin Leyton-Brown (Moderator), Susan Athey, Vincent Conitzer, Nicole Immorlica, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Hal Varian

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Panel: Connecting Everyone Everywhere All the Time
What are the computational and societal opportunities and challenges posed by tera-scale networks of people, services, devices, and data as the world’s population and infrastructure become more fully connected?
Panelists: Charles Isbell (Moderator), Anind Dey, Jure Leskovec, Yoelle Maarek, and Duncan Watts

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Panel: Human-Centered AI
How are we building AI so that it is human-centered?
Panelists: Jitendra Malik (Moderator), Fei-Fei Li, Daphne Koller, and Raquel Urtasun

Click image above to view the video.
Panel: Global Impact
How are computer scientists addressing some of the world’s most urgent challenges, from medicine and life sciences to climate change and human trafficking?
Panelists: James Hendler (Moderator), Jeff Dean, Priya Donti, Dina Katabi, and Anjana Rajan

Click image above to view the video.
75 Years of ACM
Have a look into the history of ACM from its founding in 1947, through decades of growth and learning, to its current incarnation as the most respected computing organization in the world.

Click image above to view the video.